Important Dates for Your Calendar
*Ongoing Parenting Classes for children 2-18 months*
Wednesdays - Parent/movers 9am-10:15am, Parent/infant 10:45am-12pm - with Kristy
Tuesdays - Parent-child music with Kelly, 10:30-11:15am
27-28 - YCC Home Visits
27 - Strata Odyssey Information Session - Zoom - 4pm
28 - UE New Student (w/parent) tour classroom & meet guides 10-11:30am
29 - Casa New Student Orientation 9:30-10:30am
29 - Lower Elementary New Student Orientation 9-10am
29 - YCC Open House 10:30-11:30am
UE - Field trips - 6th (McMaster), 13th (UE Conservation), 20 (Crawford Lake), 27 (Rafting)
LE - RBG (13th, 20th 27th)
CYO Cross Country
3 - First Day of Fall Term
3-10 - YCC & Casa Staggered Start
3-10 - Coffee & Kleenex 8:30-9:30am
3-7 - Strata Odyssey
6 - UE to Planetarium/Art Gallery
9 - Strata Parent Orientation 4:30-5:30pm
9-12 - Strata Orientation Week
10 - Strata Photo Day - 9am
12 - Strata Goal Setting Conferences - 4:30-7:30pm
13 - Strata - No School - Goal Setting Conferences
13 - UE - Conservation Area, LE - RBG
14 - Welcome Back Picnic 10:30-12:30pm - Including Elementary Open House 10:30-11:30am
16-20 - LE Meet & Greet with new students
16-27 - Casa Meet & Greet (by request) - 3:45-4pm
20 - UE - Crawford Lake
24 - MMUN Parent Meeting - 3:45-4:30pm
24, 25, 26 - DVMS Photo Days
26 - YCC Parent Therapy 5:30-7pm - First Weeks of School/Home Environment
27 - UE Christie Lake, LE - RBG for Truth and Reconciliation
UE Frisbee
LE Parkour
CYO Girls Basketball
5 - Fall Fair Fundraiser at Strata
7 - Parent Engagement - LRT - 7-8pm - Zoom
11 - No School - PD Day
14 - No School - Thanksgiving
18 - Strata Parent Dinner
23 - Casa Parent Social/Curriculum - Strata 6-8pm
24 - Parent Observations - 9-10am
24 - DVMS All Staff Meeting 4-5pm
24 - YCC Parent Therapy 5:30-7pm - Toilet Learning
26 - Parent Preparation Course - 9am-12pm
28, 30 - UE Yr 4 Parent-Guide Interviews
UE - Frisbee (Nov. 1)
UE - Rock Climbing (Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29)
LE - Hiphop
CYO Girls Basketball
Parent Observations - 7,14, 24 - 9-10am
6 - Parent Book Club - Raising Good Humans - Hunter Clarke-Fields MSAE and Carla Naumburg PhD - 7:30 - 9pm (facilitated by Monica Rosas)
13 - Parent Engagement / staff PD - Speaker/Curriculum - Paula Lillard Preschlack- Presentation - 6-7:30pm
11 - Remembrance Day
18 - No School - PD Day - External Observation
28 - DVMS All Staff Meeting 4-5pm
28 - YCC Parent Therapy 5:30-7:30pm - Holiday Gift Giving and Family Relations - Strata
Internal Observations: 3rd - Juliet, Shalyn, Jodi
LE Hip Hop
12 - Parent Observations - 9-10am
2 - Casa North Parent Guide Conferences
3 - Casa East Parent Guide Conferences
4 - Casa South Parent Guide Conferences
5 - Parent Guide Conferences PM
6 - Parent Guide Conferences No School
9 - Parent Book Club: Good Inside - Becky Kennedy - 7:30-9pm (facilitated by Kate Millie)
11 - Casa New Parent Orientation - 8-9pm - Zoom
12 - YCC New Parent Orientation - 8-9:30pm - Zoom
13 - LE Hip Hop
14 - Strata Market
19 - Elementary Joy Day
20 - No School - Holiday Concert
6 - First Day Winter Term
6 - Re-Enrolment Out
6-10 - YCC Home Visits & Staggered Starts
17 - LE Skating 1-2pm, UE Skating 2-3pm